Tips for Keeping your Toothbrush Clean

Brushing your teeth daily is an important habit to keep your teeth healthy. So is keeping your brush in good condition. Regular use will wear it out and allow it to gather bacteria. So it is a good idea to care for it so it keeps your mouth healthy. To care for your toothbrush, Drs. Chris Pallotto recommends these tips.... read more »

What You Need to Know About Dental Veneers

What Are Dental Veneers? Veneers are custom-made shells of tooth-colored material that are used to cover the front side of the teeth. Dr. Pallotto and Dr. Osmolinski may recommend veneers if you have smile flaws that you would like to correct. Improving the appearance of your smile can increase your confidence and self-esteem. What Smile Flaws Can Dental Veneers Fix?... read more »

A Knocked-Out Tooth Requires Immediate Care

If you participate in contact sports or other high-contact activities without the protection of a quality mouthguard, then you are at extreme risk of having one or more of your teeth knocked out. It is estimated by the American Dental Association that nearly three million teeth are knocked out during athletic activities each year. If one of your teeth is... read more »

What Should I Expect When Bonding a Tooth?

If you’re about to improve your oral health and enhance your smile’s appearance with dental bonding treatment in Oak Lawn, Illinois, then our Oak Dental Associates team is happy to tell you what you can expect during treatment! When you come into our office to meet with Dr. Chris Pallotto, the following things will occur: Step 1 – Preparation Little... read more »

Using Whitening Strips to Brighten Your Smile on the Go

Many people feel that a white and even smile says a lot about them. Unfortunately, the natural processes of aging, dark food and drinks or tobacco use can stain the teeth in your smile. This might leave you feeling self-conscious and wanting to explore your whitening options. It’s a good idea to consult with Dr. Chris Pallotto before starting a... read more »

Jump-start Your Tooth Brushing Today

Most people have a habit of brushing their teeth at least twice a day, which is awesome. But any habit, no matter how good, can easily become a thoughtless routine. And while any tooth brushing you do is beneficial, the better you do, the better your oral health. Here are some suggestions to help put new life into how you... read more »

Time for a Dental Restoration?

At Oak Dental Associates in Oak Lawn, Illinois, we offer traditional dental fillings made from strong, durable materials including gold, porcelain, or composite fillings for patients who require a dental restoration. Dental fillings are created to withstand the ongoing pressures of biting and chewing, and with good oral care and maintenance, they can last 5-15 years, depending on their composition.... read more »

Completing Your Smile With Dental Implants

People feel self-conscious about their smiles for a variety of reasons, including missing teeth. Tooth loss can occur at any age for many reasons, including disease and injury. If you have lost one or more of your teeth, dental implants from Oak Dental Associates might the be solution you’ve been looking for. Dental implants are a remarkable development in restoration... read more »

Athletic Mouth Guards

Do you or your child play sports? It is important that you wear a mouth guard to protect your teeth and the surrounding tissues from harm. Wearing a mouth guard during sports can greatly reduce the risk of injury to the lips, tongue, and soft tissues of the mouth. A mouth guard can also help the wearer avoid chipped or... read more »

Healthy Foods for a Healthy Smile

With the new year, many people are striving for a healthier lifestyle and diet. This can often be hard when you don’t know where to start and how to avoid your favorite foods. However, having a healthy diet is essential to not only your oral health, but your overall health as well. According to the American Dental Association, if your... read more »