Is your smile being marred by an unsightly tooth? Have you practiced safe and effective oral hygiene only to have your mouth afflicted by a bad tooth? If so, you may not have to have the broken or damaged tooth removed, but instead have it fitted with a dental crown.
We are happy to improve your smile with dental a crown. Our crowns are designed to compliment your natural teeth and give you a healthier smile as well. Here are a few advantages of dental crowns:
- Age: As we get older, our teeth age with us. Teeth can become weak and crack, split, or decay. Crowns work to protect teeth and prevent further damage.
- Support: Dental crowns can support broken teeth by holding the pieces together, or even covering teeth that are nearly gone.
- Irregularities: Dental crowns can help conceal many types of irregularities in tooth size or shape, and imperfections in color or curvature.
- Cosmetic: Dental crowns can be crafted to mimic your other teeth for a natural, healthy look.
- Coverings: Dental crowns are great for covering fillings, bridges, implants, or root canals.
No matter what ails your smile, our dentist, Dr. Chris Pallotto can evaluate your smile to see if dental crowns are right for you. If you have any questions, please contact Oak Dental Associates as soon as possible at 708-422-1900, or set up an appointment at our office in Oak Lawn, Illinois. Our team is here to help you restore your smile confidence!